Hi, I am a freshman in sequencing data analysis. When i have one fastq file for only one bacteria , i know how to assemble using Spades. For example, "spades.py --pe1-1 name.fq.gz --pe1-2 name.fq.gz -o spades_test". But I don't know how to deal with a large number of samples with one linux command. For example, when i have 10 fastq data (name1~name10), i won't like to assemble them one by one by hand. Can you tell me how can i do ? Thanks!
Type bash loop in google.
Take a look at
bash for loops
.Just putting these commands in a loop is not going to make these go any faster. If you have access to a cluster you could potentially use a
loop to submit 10 parallelspades
jobs otherwise they will run one after the other.Do you have access to a HPC or computing cluster? You should up your skills and use submission scripts or pipelines to manage this.
You can do it with the help of shell
spades.py --pe1-1 name.fq.gz --pe1-2 name.fq.gz -o spades_test"
I guess this says that you have paired end, but fragmented reads. But you have only one fragment per end. I guess you can use -1 and -2 direct. There is also a problem with naming convention in OP.