I have a small script that will paste the command which is going to run the bwa mem for all my forward and reverse read for a lot of individuals.
The thing is that I would want to remove the echo
command so that I can run directly the command inside terminal or within a script for a HPC.
for R1 in *R1_001_val_*.fq.gz
echo "bwa mem -t 15 -R '@RG\tID:"$name'\tPL:Illumina\tLB:'$name'\tSM:'$name"'" ${REFGENO}/referencegenome.fa.gz $R1 $R2 '>' ${OUTALIGN}/${name}.sam '2>' ${OUTALIGN}/${name}.BWAmem.log >> ${HPCSCRIPTS}/bwa.align.pbs
This is the command that basically needs to be changed to make it work directly. Since there is a variable name in the -R
flag, I don't know how to make it work
echo "bwa mem -t 15 -R '@RG\tID:"$name'\tPL:Illumina\tLB:'$name'\tSM:'$name"'" ${REFGENO}/referencegenome.fa.gz $R1 $R2 '>' ${OUTALIGN}/${name}.sam '2>' ${OUTALIGN}/${name}.BWAmem.log >> ${HPCSCRIPTS}/bwa.align.pbs
I've tried to create another variable to change the naming system in the -R
flag, but it's not working...
READGRHEADERLINE=$(echo "'@RG\tID:"$name'\tPL:Illumina\tLB:'$name'\tSM:'$name"'")
bwa mem -t 15 -R $READGRHEADERLINE ${REFGENO}/referencegenome.fa.gz $R1 $R2 > ${OUTALIGN}/${name}.sam 2> ${OUTALIGN}/${name}.BWAmem.log >> ${HPCSCRIPTS}/bwa.align.pbs
How would I be able to run the bwa mem command in the for loop and take into account all the file names properly?
I think you're doing it wrong: you should use a workflow manager like snakemake of nextflow.
So true! You're right that this would be better. I just never tried snakemake, but I understand that it'd be better. https://snakemake-wrappers.readthedocs.io/en/stable/wrappers/bwa/mem.html
But in the meantime (before I'm able to use snakemake), is there a way to use the for loop?
But in the meantime try to use make. e.g: A: Parallel for bwa mem - problem with -R argument for ID and SM
OK! You got me, I'll do it ;).
I haven't tested it but you could simply capture the output. The shell should deal with all the variable expansion (assuming the command as
was outputting it was correct in the first place), so then you just run the string.e.g.
Alternatively, it should just be a case of fixing your quotes (you're using a mix of hard and soft quoting which is probably making life difficult). Switch the whole string to soft quotes and as long as there's nothing too strange going on, it should expand the variables correctly (again I didn't test this though).