Hello everyone,
I am new to bioinformatics and I am trying to extract gene count using hisat2 pipeline and feature count. But I am getting 0 counts for all genes. Here is the steps that I am taking:
I have generated the genome index files using hisat2_build_index command.
Then I aligned each RNA seq file against the reference genome using the following command
hisat2 -p 20 -x Genome_basename --no-mixed --no-discordant -k 1 -X 500 --score-min L,0,-0.6 -1 Read1.fq -2 Read2.fq -S sam_directory
- I converted the sam files to bam files using this command:
samtools view -@ 20 -o sample.bam -b sample.sam
- I Sorted the sam files based on their position in the reference genome as follows:
samtools sort -@ 20 -m 1G -o sample.sorted.bam sample.bam
- I ran the feature counts to extract the gene counts.
featureCounts -M -O -p -B -C -T 6 -a .genome.gtf -o sample.counts.txt sample.sorted.bam
Do you have any idea what I am missing so that I am getting 0 counts?
I checked the Gene Id in the gif file and gene ids in one of the feature counts output. they seem to be the same.
Check the chromosome names in GTF file and the FASTA file you have used for alignment, not gene ids.
Thanks! I checked that. The Chromosome names were different. I could get the counts.