Hello everyone,
I am new to bioinformatics and I am trying to extract gene count using hisat2 pipeline and feature count. But I am getting 0 counts for all genes. Here is the steps that I am taking:
I have generated the genome index files using hisat2_build_index command.
Then I aligned each RNA seq file against the reference genome using the following command
hisat2 -p 20 -x Genome_basename --no-mixed --no-discordant -k 1 -X 500 --score-min L,0,-0.6 -1 Read1.fq -2 Read2.fq -S sam_directory
- I converted the sam files to bam files using this command:
samtools view -@ 20 -o sample.bam -b sample.sam
- I Sorted the sam files based on their position in the reference genome as follows:
samtools sort -@ 20 -m 1G -o sample.sorted.bam sample.bam
- I ran the feature counts to extract the gene counts.
featureCounts -M -O -p -B -C -T 6 -a .genome.gtf -o sample.counts.txt sample.sorted.bam
Do you have any idea what I am missing so that I am getting 0 counts?
I checked the Gene Id in the gif file and gene ids in one of the feature counts output. they seem to be the same.![](https://cdn1.imggmi.com/uploads/2020/1/24/2155fb8a7d22aea505aacf542f7dcb1a-full.png)
Check the chromosome names in GTF file and the FASTA file you have used for alignment, not gene ids.
Thanks! I checked that. The Chromosome names were different. I could get the counts.