Dear reader!
I am an undergraduate student working on a project for which I would need SNP-data. The data could be a stretch of g.e. 100k bp from maybe 20-30 individuals. As long as I am checking whether my pipeline properly works, I would need both the VCF-files and FASTA files of the individuals (To confirm that the conversion from VCF to Fasta within my own pipeline works). I tried to find data using google search, but was not successful. As far as I know, the 1000 genome project would provide me with VCF-data, but not their corresponding FASTA sequencing.
I was wondering whether anyone could direct/advise me on where to find what I am looking for.
This is my very first question on Biostars, I hope I am not causing any inconvenience.
Best regards, M
Dear Kevin! Thank you very much. That's exactly what I was hoping for.
Yours sincerely, M