I am running deseq2 on a matric of species abundance persample from a metagenomic dataset and am getting the following error:
Error in DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = data, colData = metadata, :
ncol(countData) == nrow(colData) is not TRUE
I get what the error is telling me but I dont understand why DESeq requiers this satisfaction. Why does the number of samples and number of genes (in this case species) need the be the same? Or am I missundstanding something here?
The code generating this error is :
ddsFullCountTable = DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(
countData = data,
colData = metadata,
design = Caste_composite
Any help would be appriciated :)
Hi, I am running DEseq for analysing a count data file generated by ht-seq. I am running the following command after creating a separate file metadata with all the information from the Count.csv. i can see that there are 8 columns including gene in the cts where as in metadata i have 7 rows. As i understand this must be equal, but how to make them equal?
Please help me fix this error.
Go look at a DESeq2 vignette, like this one:
See how neither their count data nor their metadata has row numbers, and you do? Fix that.
Thank you, this was helpful. As per this link,I generated the phenodata (table) using scripts and it worked.
Dear Sujit, this is a new question and should not be posted as an answer to an existing question. Can you please repost this in its own question.
Sorry for writing here, i have followed your suggestions in other threads and that has been quite helpful. I posted the question here so that i could get your reply. Thankfully its solved now.