Hello, Anyone,
I played with
zUMIs-zUMIs.0.0.6/zUMIs-master.sh -f barcoderead_HEK.1mio.fq.gz -r cDNAread_HEK.1mio.fq.gz -n 1 -g /home/li/reference/hg38_chr22 -a /home/li/reference/hg38_chr22/GRCh38.84.chr22.gtf -c 1-6 -m 7-16 -l 50 -o /home/li/li01
In my output directory:
I only have *.aligned.sorted.bam.featureCounts
file but without *.ex.featureCounts
and *.in.featureCounts
If I put these two files in my directory, it runs well.
I tried to following https://github.com/sdparekh/zUMIs/issues/38. Is that any version wrong about Rsubread::featureCounts
Really appreciate any suggestion and help!
Github crossposted: https://github.com/sdparekh/zUMIs/issues/165
BioC crossposted: https://support.bioconductor.org/p/127921/
Same issue as: Error: All columns in a tibble must be 1d or 2d objects:
Is your
command working normally as suggested in this GitHub issue? What is your operating system?Hello, ATpoint,
Thank you so much for your kindly response!
I am working on Ubuntu (Linux) system. I am trying to figure out this word.
"It seems that in your system, the "ln" command is missing. We use it to link the .ex and .in files!"
Thank you again for your great help!
ln is a command for making symbolic links. What happens if you type
?Hello, ATpoint,
Thank you so much for your great help!