In our department with ~100 people, the protocols used in the labs are often hard to find as the knowledge is distributed among too many people. We are currently pondering solutions for centrally organizing this documentation, protocols, laboratory and stock guidelines, introductions for newcomers, etc. We are wondering what solutions we could put into place that would motivate people to commit content in the long term.
Having done a few documentation systems, repositories or wikis in other places, I have realized that starting such a plan always is greeted as a good incentive with a lot of optimism, but motivating people to continually use and improve the content in such systems is something else, because it is not always clear how the committer wins from this.
What solutions (document repository, wikis accessible to non-computer-geeks, proprietary solutions ...?) have you tried and which ones did succeed in getting people to commit to in the long term? Have you cracked the problem to get people motivated to commit time helping the rest of your department? Are there any out of the box solutions, like gamification, that have helped?
A wiki similar to this?