UPDATE 2020-11-21
If you have a list of NCBI assembly accessions with GCA or GCF prefixes, the easiest way to download data is to use the new tool NCBI Datasets. There is a web-interface to do this, if you don't want to bother with command line. If you do want to use the command line, you can use the datasets
CLI tool as follows:
datasets download genome accession --inputfile assm_accs.txt --exclude-gff3 --exclude-protein --exclude-rna
where assm_accs.txt
has NCBI assembly accessions, one per each line.
Note Currently, only the latest assembly accessions for a taxon are in the scope of NCBI Datasets. If you want to download older assemblies, you will have to use Entrez Direct as follows:
esearch -db assembly -query 'Bos taurus[organism] AND latest[filter]' \
| esummary \
| xtract -pattern DocumentSummary -element FtpPath_GenBank \
| while read -r line ;
fname=$(echo $line | grep -o 'GCA_.*' | sed 's/$/_genomic.fna.gz/') ;
wget "$line/$fname" ;
Here, I am first fetching the FTP path for the GenBank assembly using edirect
tools and then use standard linux commands to download the genomic fasta file.
If your starting point is a file with a list of NCBI assembly accessions, you can wrap the command shown above in a bash loop like this:
cat assm_accs.txt | while read -r acc ; do
esearch -db assembly -query $acc </dev/null \
| esummary \
| xtract -pattern DocumentSummary -element FtpPath_GenBank \
| while read -r url ; do
fname=$(echo $url | grep -o 'GCA_.*' | sed 's/$/_genomic.fna.gz/') ;
wget "$url/$fname" ;
done ;
Are you sure you set the right filters on
, such as assembly level etc? It should download anything that’s present in the asssembly summary file.Apparently the organism I wanted had all of its records in GenBank and not RefSeq
Yep, that is what I expected.
RefSeq is a subset of the total data in Genbank, that has been curated to a high degree manually. They are "reference sequences".
I'm not sure if you can rely on this all the time, but IIRC the accessions starting with "GCA_" are from GenBank. Accessions from RefSeq tend to start with "GCF_".