I'm having a problem with running bbduk on the server on a range of fastq.gz files (unpaired). Over a range of 24 files, 4 random files fail to get the histogram outputs. I do receive the fastq filtering (quality trimming+length filtering) output files, but even then I guess can't be sure that they are correct (Slurm output misses the Input, QTrimmed, Low quality discards etc specifications)
Code for bbduk:
bbduk.sh in=$file out="${file%_UMIextr.fa.gz}_filt.fa.gz" qtrim=rl trimq=10 maq=10 minlen=17 bhist=$file"_bhist.txt" qhist=$file"_qhist.txt" gchist=$file"_gchist.txt" aqhist=$file"_aqhist.txt" lhist=$file"_lhist.txt" gcbins=auto
By looking at the Slurm output of the "faulty" files, it always says "line 380: ** Killed"
Initial: Memory: max=26366m, total=26366m, free=25929m, used=437m
Input is being processed as unpaired Started output streams: 0.034 seconds. /home/h/user/Public/easybuild/software/Compiler/GCC/8.2.0-2.31.1/BBMap/38.50b/bbduk.sh: line 380: 429343 Killed
Whereas for the remaining 20 files I do get the data output specifications
Initial: Memory: max=26350m, total=26350m, free=25914m, used=436m
Input is being processed as unpaired Started output streams: 0.042 seconds. Processing time: 25.337 seconds.
Input: 10139222 reads 217509511 bases. QTrimmed: 3842 reads (0.04%) 21566 bases (0.01%) Low quality discards: 1495899 reads (14.75%) 15555801 bases (7.15%) Total Removed: 1496658 reads (14.76%) 15577367 bases (7.16%) Result:
8642564 reads (85.24%) 201932144 bases (92.84%)Time: 25.380 seconds. Reads Processed:
10139k 399.49k reads/sec Bases Processed: 217m 8.57m bases/sec
Can somebody please tell me what could be the problem and how to fix this?
It indeed was a memory issue. Didn't suspect this as the details that Slurm gave didn't indicate to memory shortage. But problem fixed now.
good to hear the issue is resolved.
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