Hello, I have been working on the metagenomics Illumina paired end data (2x150 seq length), but came across with a mistake done by me.
Now, I have the filtered, adapter free, high quality sequences which I need to align to the cpn60 database and remove the mapped reads so that I have the sequences which are not included in that dataset. Even after reading the manual I have a very vague idea about how to process, because the last command which I used did not help in anyways. So, if anyone can help me with command line of using the bowtie2 for removing the mapped sequences.
The command which i used last time is as follows:
download/compile: cat cpn60_ref_nut_seq.fa > cpn60.fna
bowtie2-build: bowtie2-build cpn60.fna filename
bowtie2-inspect: bowtie2-inspect cpn60(filename)
bowtie2 alignment: bowtie2 -p 8 -x cpn60 -f virus1.contigs.genes.fna -S virome.sam
What's the problem with the last command? (if it doesn't work, please try running it without the -p 8 option)
If the last command works and you have the samfile, you can use samtools to only get the unmapped reads,...
Please check the following links:
How To Filter Mapped Reads With Samtools
Thank you so much for the help, I thought my commands had some issue with the result. Now, I got it that filtering reads is a separate step.