Hello friends
I'm working on whole exom sequencing. however, I need allelic imbalance data to show how accurate my work is. How can I produce AB data?
my pipeline is:
bcl2fastq -> bwa -> gatk (best practise) -> ensembl-vep
Hello friends
I'm working on whole exom sequencing. however, I need allelic imbalance data to show how accurate my work is. How can I produce AB data?
my pipeline is:
bcl2fastq -> bwa -> gatk (best practise) -> ensembl-vep
Why are you testing for allelic imbalance using exome (DNA-seq) data? You only use DNA-seq data for genotyping sites and get high-quality heterozygous sites and then use expression (RNA-seq) data from the same organism on those sites to get allelic imbalance results.
You can get a good understanding on the concept of allelic imbalance or allele-specific expression from this paper:
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