I'm using the following code to run blasts on a server, of several fasta queries against a database; I already used blasttools to create the database. This is the code:
#Script to run entire blast analysis at once
display_usage() {
echo '
1st argument is the list of query sequences (full path) in a file
2nd argument is the directory containing the database files to use (full path)
3rd argument is the number of threads available to use. example "15"
4th argument is the directory were results must be saved (full path)
#check if required arguments are there and display usage message
if [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ] || [ -z "$3" ] || [ -z "$4" ] ; then
printf "Please provide the arguments required for the script.\n\n"
exit 1
echo ""
echo ""
data=$(date +"%d-%m-%y-%Hh-%Mmin")
mkdir $WD
mkdir $WD'/queries'
mkdir $WD'/db'
mkdir $WD'/tmp_results'
cat $query_list | while read q; do cp $q $WD'/queries'; done
cp $db_DIR $WD'/db'
cd $WD'/queries'
ls | while read query; do for db in `ls $WD'/db/'*.faa`; do query_size=$(ls -l $query | cut -d " " -f5); db_name=$(echo $db | rev | cut -d "/" -f1 | rev | cut -d "." -f1); echo -e "A processar a amostra \e[1m\e[33m$query \e[0mcontra a base de dados \e[1m\e[35m$db_name \e[0m" ; cat $query | parallel --will-cite --pipe --block $[$query_size/($threads*5)] -j $threads --recstart '>' blastp -query - -db $WD/db/$db_name.faa -outfmt '6' -evalue .0000000000000001 >> $WD'/tmp_results/'$query.$db_name.eval.tab.out; done; cp $WD'/tmp_results/'$query* $output_dir ;done
echo ""
echo "A eliminar ficheiros temporários na RAM"
echo ""
rm -r $WD
echo "Blast finalizado"
echo ""
echo ""
But it keeps giving me the following error for each query file:
ls: cannot access '/dev/shm/hdtr-11-02-20-08h-54min/db/*.faa': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat '/dev/shm/hdtr-11-02-20-08h-54min/tmp_results/Aeromonas_sp__ASNIH4_GCF_2934505_1_ASM293450v1protein.faa*': No such file or directory
ls: cannot access '/dev/shm/hdarmancier-11-02-20-08h-54min/db/*.faa': No such file or directory
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Are all those file paths definitely correct?
I've checked the paths 3 times and didn't see any error.
are you sure (and thus can you check) if you have your file paths correct?
as it says, it can't find any of the files you are trying to manipulate
I've checked the paths 3 times and didn't see any error.