I have a .ld.bin file produced by PLINK (cannot remember now how it was produced) which I want to plot. This .bin file is about 160Mbytes so I guess it could be really bigger if uncompressed as .ld (I have read that .ld format is just a table).
I cannot find any documentation in PLINK website about .bin file variant. However I found an R function which could help here:
ldMatrix <- readBin("myfile-chr25.ld.bin", what = "raw")
Although the function doesn't fail, generates an empty "what" object. The what parameter didn't worked for any of the supported types: int, numeric, character, etc. The UNIX file command just returns "data".
Any idea?
I have added a link under the .ld file format documentation to a sample readBin() call; let me know if this is still insufficient.