I am attempting to LiftOver a set of vcf files from hg19 to hg38. I attempted to use the picard LiftOverVCF
tool developed by the broad institute, however I have found that the amount of required RAM is large and is not feasible on my machine. Instead I have extracted my set of SNPs from my vcf file and used standard LiftOver
to get the hg38 positions of my SNPs. Is there a way I could update this information in my VCF file? I've looked into bcftools annotate
but it seems to only edit the ID, QUAL, FILTER, INFO and FORMAT
fields. The other option is to convert all the files to a more accessible format, update them there and then either convert back to vcf or continue to process them in that manner.
I'm not aware of an application that directly modifies the positions of the variants (alignment of indels excluded), but I'd be interested in hearing if anyone else has.
If it were me, I'd simply process the VCFs as text (it's delimited after the header), looking for a chromosome/pos/ref/alt combination, and modify the position accordingly. There are a number of ways to do this using standard Unix tools, Python, R, Perl, etc.