I'm a very novice-level programmer (Biology major) and I want to find a simple genome browser that I can easily add functionality to. What I want to be able to do is be able to upload a file that contains differential gene expression levels and then display these on a "track" on the genome browser a the whole chromosome level.
Ideally you would be able to see the entire track for the chromosome, then be able to zoom in to a section of the chromosome and be able to see the values plotted out.
What is the easiest/simplest genome browser to work with? I've already tried Savant but the code is too extensive and too hard to follow. I've also heard of GBrowse but it seems like thats too complex too.
So what is your aim? To find a browser with the features you listed,there is a lot of them, or to find one that is easily extensible, or to find a browser to study for its supreme coding style, or one that is easy to hack?
And btw it also depends on the programming language you prefer. If you haven't chosen your language yet, choose java, there are many browsers in java and it's more newbie friendly than perl. If you want publication ready graphics,go for R and ggplot.
indeed, probably the language that the OP knows is the most important factor - bio monkey should think about the language first, then the browser
Thanks for the help everyone. Just to clarify, I'm looking for something java-based (I took an intro computer science class in Java) that can be manipulated easily. I'll check out Gbrowse2.
But more specifically I'm looking for something with these two components: 1. the reference track is plotted (with genes shown) and a graph is overlayed (or shown above) the reference track that shows the p-value for an entire gene. this way, you would be able to see easily which genes in your viewing window are significant between two populations (e.g. two SAM files uploaded). 2. you can click on a particular gene and then a popup shows up that displays the P-value, t-statistic, maybe some sort of enrichment score.
Does anybody know of a tool that does this?
Yes gbrowse can be configured to do this, but gbrowse is perl, and for larger genomes requires a database installation. See my updated answer.
Galaxy should let you do this. They've got some nice tutorials that you can refer to
You are right that the scores could be precomputed in galaxy and be exported as a track. Normally, for most genome browsers, tracks and scores must be pre-computed,as more complex scores cannot be computed on the fly.