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5.0 years ago
Hi all,
I have these format of SNPs: "0/0" "0/1" "1/1"
I know the ref/alt alleles. for these SNPs and for specific donors how can I find out haplotypes?
for example, if my donors were like these :
SNP1 - SNP2 - SNP3
0/0 - 0/1 - 0/0
SNP1 - SNP2 - SNP3
0/1 - 0/1 - 0/0
how can I find out the haplotypes?
How many SNPs/samples do you have? If I understand your problem right statistical phasing software can achieve this.
I have 3 SNPs and 450 samples. my problem is more about what "0/1" should be considered? I know it is ref/alt but I got confused that which one is in haplotype? ref or alt?
In VCF specification 0 is ref. I'm not sure if you can phase with 3 SNPs, somebody else will know though
try haplo.stat in R?