Hi, I have to start working with RNA-Seq data and have worked previously with ChIP-Seq so I am familiar with mapping, coverage, visualizations and tools etc. Could you guys please tell me a simple workflow (published/unpublished) for the analysis of RNA-Seq data, analysing the gene expression between a wild type and knockout sample. I tried rseq, galaxy (which is good) and GENE-Counter, still I am not confident with my analyses and I get lost in the downstream analyses. Could you recommend a good review and pipeline to start with!!
Thanks a lot
It's a really good review!! ... but instead of Tophat I prefer to use other Cufflinks-compatible mappers, like MapSplice or GSNAP.
+1 for Cufflinks and MapSplice.
I fact, now I'm going to try MapSplice 2.0 wich support multi-threads!
Is there any major difference b/w MapSplice and Tophat, Also, some people use bwa to map the reads to a custom splicejunction library, I think all of them serve the same purpose, or is there any significant difference b/w them!!
Looks good, I am reading it. Thanks