I am trying DELLY v0.8.2 for the first time, using ~x40 coverage data on a plant genome. The bam file was obtained by running bwa mem, then sorting and indexing the result.
I am using default params for DELLY. My run results in a bcf file with no data (i.e. header is present, but no variants detected) and prints the following message to stdout:
I find it very unlikely that there are no SVs between my sample and the reference, so I guess something is wrong with my data or the way I use DELLY.
Any ideas on what might be going wrong?
You may consider posting on the GitHub issues page: https://github.com/dellytools/delly/issues
If you take that option, link back to this thread.
DELLY has a restriction on mapping quality - and your reads are 51bp (if I am correct), so some problems with multi-mappers and thus "hidden" SVs are expected, but surely not empty output. I would try other callers such as Manta and if nothing works, write to the author of DELLY.
Tanks @German.M.Demidov - I am getting the same result with another bam file which has lower depth (~x10) but longer reads (101). Interestingly, I've just tried Manta on the same data and got an empty vcf again! I am starting to wonder what's wrong with this data. Perhaps PE/SR approaches are incapable of dealing with them for some reason. Any idea on what to try next?