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5.0 years ago
I’m a new to R. when I use this code in my computer:
It is ok and read my data into R, but when I tried it in another computer it came back to this error:
Error in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote = quote, : duplicate 'row.names' are not allowed
I appreciate everyone could give me a hand.
Is it just another computer or also another dataset?
all are same dataset.
Please show data. It is difficult to debug without it. How does
look on the harddrive?i added one of the files. the files are same. in my computer (windows) the error is encountered, but another computer (Ubuntu 16) shows this error.
is it because of missing some of packages!
same datasets
Do you know which of the files throws the error?
1) you should have 3 files, yet you only pasted one
2) via="csv", yet the dataset you pasted is not comma-separated
3) skip=rep(1:3), yet from man page "skip: a vecter [sic] of size K (the number of data sets) composes [sic] of 1 or 2. see 'Details'." Just type rep(1:3) in R to see what I mean.
4) unclear from the documentation if the files are allowed to have a header line.
Note that the package has been removed from CRAN. That (and all the typos, indicating a lack of professionalism from the authors) is a sign you want to stay away from it.