Hi all
I downloaded a file from enhancer database (Slidebase) named "enhancer tss associations". However, I am facing a problem in identifying what does coordinates in the first three columns of this bed file represents. I am aware that the fourth column containing entries like "chr1:167440766-167441089; NM_052862; RCSD1; R:0.319; FDR:0" means enhancer coordinates,Transcript accession number,gene symbol,some_score, and False Discovery rate. I am not sure what kind of score does R score represents. I went through the paper of andersson et al to which the website points. However, I couldn't find anything. Also, the last two columns don't make sense to me.
Thanks, Corentin for your explanation. However, it is still unclear to me what does first three columns represent in the bed file. They aren't the coordinates for the enhancers that I am sure of. I wish to understand what the start and end coordinates refer to in this case. They aren't TSS either.
I did some testing on the UCSC genome browser and it seems that the first three columns correspond to the whole feature (the enhancer + TSS). It is probably to make the genome browser display everything.
The coordinates does not exactly match the features (it seems to start before and end after the actual enhancer and TSS, which is probably to make the view better?).
But since I have not found a documentation for it, I am not 100% sure. Let us know if you manage to find an answer.