I was trying to create an index for salmon tool (v 1.0), using the following command:
salmon index -t gencode.v33.transcripts.fa -i index_salmon_v33
It seems to work but gives a warning:
[puff::index::jointLog] [warning] It appears that this may be a GENCODE transcriptome (from analyzing the separators in the FASTA header). However, you have not set '|' as a header separator. If this is a GENCODE transcriptome, consider passing --gencode to the pufferfish index command.
Hence, I started wondering if it is normal at all to use gencode transcriptome, or it's not the default recommended way? I found that this warning comes not from salmon itself but from pufferfish module - but I don't know if it's important, or I should just ignore it.
It is generally just a weird thing where the "format of FASTA headers" is always just some gobbledegook freeform text basically, so it is not generally a weird thing to "suggest special handling" like this, it is actually nice. If you want to see about the effect of reference genome on your analysis see some resources like https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=TGqQDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA427&ots=hJiXFaFsat&sig=7e5kz312_DPIJsYosAGAtfIIwls#v=onepage&q&f=false https://bioinformatics.stackexchange.com/questions/21/feature-annotation-refseq-vs-ensembl-vs-gencode-whats-the-difference