Hi guys,
I'm using PLS-DA to select the most importance genes contributing to group differences. Now, I am looking for a statistical method that fit quantitative Y.
For a normal PLS-DA, we have X (n*p) matrix which contains quantity data and Y (n) vector with qualitative information such as treatment/control or difference group. So PLS-DA will give us an optimal number of components and variables which maximize the separation between matrix and qualitative groups.
But what if I replace the Y value by quantitative value like fold-change? I know PLS which searches the best choice of components, but it is between 2 matrices. So for quantitative matrix vs quantitative vector, is there any statistical tools already existing?
Thanks in advance
thanks Kevin for your answer,
It is exactly what I am looking for! In your package, you are using loadings to classify and calculate correlations between PCs and category names(eg. Size, Grade etc.). In my case, only 1 category : log2(fold-change). I do not know if log2 ratio is linear or maybe not, but I can use rank test anyway.
This will give us the information about which PC correlates with fold change and then identify important gene.