the question I have is - log to which base is reported when we use test.use="DESeq2"
in the FindMarkers()
I know the default logFC while using Wilcoxon test in FindMarkers()
is reported in the natural log, is this true when we use DESeq2 as well?
I have this doubt as DESeq2 reports FC in log to the base 2 and not natural log.
Thanks Suvi
so you mean to say the Log FC reported is natural Log itself like the default?
Seems so, the relevant line is here: https://github.com/satijalab/seurat/blob/master/R/differential_expression.R#L953 Only p-value is exported from DESeq2 as Arup Ghosh says so FC is calculated elsewhere, you would need to scan the script for it to be sure. I think this is the relevant FC line https://github.com/satijalab/seurat/blob/master/R/differential_expression.R#L539 so natural log.
Line 552-555 have the code for fold change calculation.
Yes but that is only the execution, the function declaration starts at 539.
return(log(x = rowMeans(x = expm1(x = x)) + pseudocount.use))
is the relevant partwith
:Take a look to this lane. LogFoldChange is calculated as Log2
What makes you say that? This line is part of a function that is not even exported. Not sure for what it is. Any ideas? It is not (at least not based on this script) related to the DESeq2 function of this script.