Hi. I'm new to RNA-seq data analysis, and I'm trying to extract all reads/fragments aligned in intergenic regions from a sam/bam file. I have a .GTF file with genomic features. I'm working with an organism that does not have introns, so, I would like to use the end position of each gene as a start position of my region of interest, and the start position of the following gene as the end position of my roi. I would like the output to be a bam file with only the reads that map to intergenic regions. Can anyone help me? Sorry if it is a basic question.
And I would also like to construct a GTF file with this intergenic regions as if they were features, but my skills in programming languages are not really good.
Any help will be appreciated. Thank you
You should be able to do it with
bedtools intersect
see here: https://bedtools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/content/tools/intersect.html