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4.9 years ago
Hi everyone,
I want to conduct a GWAS on a twin sample, I was wondering if there is a method to conduct the GWAS on the whole sample without the need to remove the related individuals (twins). I know software such as GCTA and GEMMA can generate a GRM and use it as a random effect to fit a linear mix model, but I am not sure if it totally accounts for the relatedness in the sample.
Many thanks Javad
Yes, but I couldn't find a clear answer, most of them excluded the relatives though. It's not a big sample ( ~1500) but generally, I want to know if using a GRM in a mixed model can correct the effect of such relatedness or not.
There are contradictions everywhere in this field, which is why there is never a clear answer. I read another twins study where no correction for family was made. If you feel that you need to account for the family-specific variation then proceed with the GRM.
Thanks Kevin, yes, it seems there is not a clear answer.