I just completed my first genome assembly using abyss (made from 1 set of paired-end files, 1 single end file, and 7 mate pair sets). Abyss creates a large number of output files, and what I'd like to do now is blast my assembly to remove contigs that are potentially there due to contamination. Nevertheless, I am confused about what .fa file represents my final assembly (as there are 13 different .fa files (see below)). What do the numbered files represent (bowfin-1.fa, bowfin-2.fa, etc.)? Will I need to combine these for a final assembly (assuming I want to eventually map reads to the assembly from different individuals and get a .vcf file for pop gen analysis)? I'm just a little confused as to why there are so many output files...
bowfin-1.dot bowfin-6.dot coverage.hist
bowfin-1.fa bowfin-6.fa mpc-6.dist.dot
bowfin-1.path bowfin-6.path mpc-6.hist
bowfin-2.dot bowfin-6.path.dot mpd-6.dist.dot
bowfin-2.dot1 bowfin-7.dot mpd-6.hist
bowfin-2.fa bowfin-7.fa mpe-6.dist.dot
bowfin-2.path bowfin-7.path mpe-6.hist
bowfin-3.dist bowfin-8.dot mpf-6.dist.dot
bowfin-3.dot bowfin-8.fa mpf-6.hist
bowfin-3.fa bowfin-bubbles.fa mpg-6.dist.dot
bowfin-3.fa.fai bowfin-contigs.dot mpg-6.hist
bowfin-4.dot bowfin-contigs.fa mph-6.dist.dot
bowfin-4.fa bowfin-indel.fa mph-6.hist
bowfin-4.fa.fai bowfin-scaffolds.dot mpi-6.dist.dot
bowfin-4.path1 bowfin-scaffolds.fa mpi-6.hist
bowfin-4.path2 bowfin-stats pea-3.dist
bowfin-4.path3 bowfin-stats.csv pea-3.hist
bowfin-5.dot bowfin-stats.md peb-3.dist
bowfin-5.fa bowfin-stats.tab peb-3.hist
bowfin-5.path bowfin-unitigs.fa slurm.rhea-07.751256.out
Thanks, a fantastic answer to my question!