Entering edit mode
4.9 years ago
Hello, I would like to create the new genebank file using the results obtained from my analysis. I could write to a genebank file, but my annotations are not printed to the output genebank file (as you can see in the output file: FEATURES Location/Qualifiers- are empty). I read the biopython documents. They have described how to enter the SeqRecord, but how to add additional features is not defined, or maybe, my eyes couldn't find the relevant ones. Any suggestions on this, please?
a_info = SeqRecord(seq[1]['seq'],
id=a1_rec.id, name='G1',
a_info.annotations['Protein_Domain']= str(['P1','P2'])
a_info.annotations["Coordinates"] = desc +' '+str(region)
a_info.annotations["Transcripts"] = tran_lst
a_info.annotations['protein_domains'] = domain_dict
SeqIO.write(a_info, 'test.gb','genbank')
Output file:
LOCUS G1 7780 bp DNA UNK 01-JAN-1980
DEFINITION Homo sapiens chromosome 14, GRCh38.p13 Primary Assembly.
VERSION NC_00022.1
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
1 tcaggccgtg ccgctggccg agtaggagaa ctgggggaag tggggcctgc gctcgctgtc
61 cacacactcc atgctgtcat cttggtcagg tggtgtgatg gtgatcatct gggccgtgaa
121 ctcctcatca aaatacctgg tgtcagtctc cgacgtgacc tggggcttga agggtgggct
181 gagcttcttc tcgtacacgt gctgccacac gataccggca aagaagcgat gctgcatgat
241 ctccttggcg tcctcggagc ccccgccaag cctctgcttg gggtccttct tgagcagccc
301 tgaaagcaag gacttggcct cgggaccaag cgtgcgcggg aagcggatct cctccatgag
361 gatgagctca aaaagcttct catggtcctg gttgtagaag ggcaggcgac cgcacatcat
421 ctcgtacatg accacgccca gcccccacca gtccactgca cggccgtagt cattgtcctc
481 cagcacctcg ggggccaggt actcaggtgt gccgcaaaag gtcttcatgg tggcaccgtc
541 cttgatcccc tcctt
You need to show us more of the code. We don't know where any of the data is coming from, what form it's in etc.