I run roary ( roary -e --mafft -p 32 *.gff) to produce core genome alignment on hundreds of Salmonella sequences and have results. I have the following files in the results:
- gene_presence_absence.csv
- gene_presence_absence.Rtab
- pan_genome_reference.fa
- accessory_binary_genes.fa.newick
- accessory_graph.dot
- core_accessory_graph.dot
- core_gene_alignment.aln
- clustered_proteins
I would like to visualise the panSNP tree with the roary matrix of these sequences using the command: roary_plots.py name_of_your_newick_tree_file.tre gene_presence_absence.csv. But I realise I have no .tre file in my roary outcome. How do I generate this .tre file from my sequences or from the roary outcome I have?
How to make flower plot from roary output file? Is there anyway to know how many accessory and unique genes each strain has?