I am working on published Bi-Seq data, that are presented in the following way:
Chr Start End Total 5meCpG
chr1 31567 31569 41 20
chr1 31582 31584 91 89
chr1 31603 31605 26 25
My goal is to assess the methylation level within the promoter of some genes of interest. Since it is not reported the annotation for these coordinates, I am using Homer annotatePeaks.pl to do it. Homer forced me to indicate the strand (+ or -), and from the description I found in NCBI GEO page relative to the paper I am dealing with, they state that CpG positions and total coverage and methylated coverage are obtained by combining both strands. I used Homer twice, first with all + and then with all -. Then I simply divided the 5meCpG values to the Total in order to obtain the methylation level. I realized that, at least for promoter regions, I got the same annotation for both runs ( all + and all -). Is this procedure correct? Should I operate in a different way? Thank you in advance!
I'd be surprised if you got any notable difference there. Personally I would have just used
bedtools nearest