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4.9 years ago
I'm new to TCGA. When I download some data, for example, WGS data for pancreas. There are 22 cases and 57 files. First, is there any realation among file id and sample id? How do I know which file id comes from which sample id? Actually, I'd like to collect WGS files for tumor and non-tumors. Could anyone give me some instructiond? Thank you in advance.
The primary source of TCGA data is at the Genomic Data Commons (GDC); however, third-parties (Xena, Broad Institute, cBioPortal / MSKCC, etc) then took this data and re-processed it in different ways. Would you be so kind as to tell me the exact source of the particular data that you have obtained? Pasting some of the IDs that you have would help, too.
Hi Kevin, According to your experience which version is the best?