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4.7 years ago
Hi, I am trying to assemble some genomes from pacbio reads using HGAP3 followed by quiver polishing. However, even after multiple rounds of quiver polishing, I cannot attain quality value 50 (QV50) for a genome.
QV50 seems to be recommended and I am able to get upto QV30 only. I have done polishing for almost 15 times already. I have tried polishing with different parameter changes like subread length cutoff and blasr maximum divergence.
Can anyone suggest me on how I can achieve an assembled genome of QV50 value?
Thank you
Why are you using quiver and not the newer arrow out of interest ? Often illumina polishing with pilon or similar is needed after pacbio sequencing.
Which genomes ? Bacteria?
Because the data is RSII and arrow does not seem to support it. Yes it is a bacterial genome
Hmm then maybe try public (?) illumina reads with pilon ?
Racon or ntedit are other possibilities,