I have made an denovo transcriptome using Trinity and also the specie has the draft genome too.
For next projects ., We want to make GFF/GTF based on both assembled transcriptome and draft genome.
Actually, I need to know coordination of genes based on draft genome sequence position.
How can I map fasta transcriptome to draft genome in order to make GFF?
Or Is there any software to make GFF/GTF with using transcriptome and genome sequence?
great thanks, the problem is that my genome is also not complete too.the current pipeline cannot find the exact region such as TSS or Exon,.... Do you have any idea about softwares which could determine those regions?
Try gmap with gff3 output for this with the transcripts from your Trinity output.
It makes sense to quality check your genome using BUSCO if possible. Did you just use short reads for your assembly? If so it is likely to be very fragmented.
Yes we done Maker before, but our genome is partial too, so at the moment we performed Trinity and we have to make GFF based on Genome file.
the gmap gff3 output is also good but I have no idea how to merged that with genome sequence to find exon, intron and TSS regions?