But I can not see the intersection of all columns. For instance at lines 10 and 19 there are numbers in all columns. But the figure does not have this. Am I missing something ?
I selected F and G columns only to test using two different functions below:
in the first code I used upset function only and in the second code I used fromList function as well. But results are different. I attached two figures (fromList and upset titles).
UpsetR requires a binary data frame (numbers with zero and one only). Numbers bigger than 1 should replace with 1.The, upset function reads the data frame and produces graphs after calculating intersection size.
Probably, UpsetR ignores if a row is not consisted of binary data.
limits the number of interactions shown to 7. If you want more than you have to increase that number.Thank you for reply, but it did not change.
I selected F and G columns only to test using two different functions below:
in the first code I used
function only and in the second code I usedfromList
function as well. But results are different. I attached two figures (fromList and upset titles).upset and fromlist functions
a list or a data frame? It should be a list. Based on the output, it looks like a data frame.What does
look like?