You might use a wrong adapter sequence for 3' adapter trimming. The library could be Illumina TruSeq RNAseq, or others.
The most direct way is to check the library preparation protocol or ask the one who did the experiment.
If not, you can guess the adapter anyway.
Have a look at the Summary in the cutadapt
log. What are the number Reads with adapters: ... (xx.x%)
? (varies depend on your insert size and library quality. it could be 75%, 99% for my data).
Prepare a subsample for testing
# 10k reads
$ head -n 40000 raw.fq > demo.fq
First, you can test the following 2 adapters, using cutadapt
# TruSeq small RNA library
$ cutadapt -a TGGAATTCTCGGGTG -m 18 -o demo-cut1.fq demo.fq > cut1.log
# TruSeq RNAseq library
$ cutadapt -a AGATCGGAAGAGCAC -m 18 -o demo-cut2.fq demo.fq > cut2.log
Any way, you can guess the adapter using fastp
$ fastp -i demo.fq -o trimmed.fq
Detecting adapter sequence for read1...
>Illumina TruSeq Adapter Read 1
miRNA should be small so I am not sure what you have in terms of 50 bp reads.
Did your library prep include attachment of the 3'-adapter directly to miRNA? If that was the case then basically if your reads do not have that adapter in your reads then those are likely not miRNA.
Show the commands used for trimming and mapping.
miRNAs sequencing should be enriched for ~18-26bp reads, both because this is their typical length when mature, and because (correct) library preparation should preferentially select this range. However, it is common to have a large proportion of piRNA and other small / degraded RNAs in a small RNA library.