I would like to know whether the pair of chosen genes have similar coverage. To do so, I think it will be good to apply the Fisher test (maybe not?) However, I have a problem with creating a contingency table.
From summary featureCounts table (before normalisation) I took the number of all aligned reads in my mutant: 14340632+15907088+18183032=48430752. The number of aligned reads in gene X region: 6+15+1=22 The number of aligned reads in gene Y region: 27+30+32=86 (I have data with 3 biological replicas, so I simply sum up numbers; I took data before normalisation with DeSeq2).
I guess that the table should look somehow like that:
But I sincerely do not know how to fill it properly and I am probably missing something important in my assumptions, because when I will put 48430752 - 22, and then to the next cell 48430752 - 86 it will not sum up correctly.