Hi all, I am using the “maker_functional_gff” script to update my gff3 by adding functional annotation from blast results against uniprot, however I do get the following error when running the code:
Can't use string ("") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at /opt/maker/bin/maker_functional_gff line 55, <$IN> line 277933.
I checked the line and it appears like the other lines in the gff3 file so I was wondering if you guys know what is causing the error? The “offending” line and the following one are:
tig00632243 maker gene 2926 22617 . - . ID=Gacu_00045928;Name=Gacu_00045928;Alias=maker-tig00632243-snap-gene-0.9;Dbxref=MobiDBLite:mobidb-lite,PANTHER:PTHR15288,PANTHER:PTHR15288:SF5;
tig00632243 maker mRNA 2926 22617 . - . ID=Gacu_00045928-RA;Parent=Gacu_00045928;Name=Gacu_00045928-RA;Alias=maker-tig00632243-snap-gene-0.9-mRNA-1;_AED=0.08;_QI=0|0|0|0.75|0.81|0.83|12|0|714;_eAED=0.34;Dbxref=MobiDBLite:mobidb-lite,PANTHER:PTHR15288,PANTHER:PTHR15288:SF5;
Thanks Luca
Hi Juke! Thanks for your reply and your suggestion. I will definitely try AGAT (I had a quick look and it seems a very comprehensive suite of scripts for working with gff3 files). Thanks again man! :D