Dear all
I am trying to perform an imputation on a VCF file that I have but using my own reference panel. I am getting confused with the parameters though. Here is what I understand:
-g is my vcf file that I am trying to impute
-known_haps_g is the hap file of the file I am planning to impute in case I do not provide it in -g
-m is the recombination file as per the sample provided by impute2
-h the haplotypes for the reference file
-l the legend file of the reference file
Is that correct?
Thank you so much. But how can I change my vcf to gen formate
Please take a look at an answer from the PLINK developer: C: How to convert vcf to impute2 format?
Alternatively, if you want to go the pre-phasing route, you can import / convert your VCF to PLINK format via PLINK itself (
flags), and then use that as input to SHAPEIT2. SHAPEIT2's output then feeds directly into IMPUTE2 via-use_prephased_g -known_haps_g