Hello everyone i hope you're doing well
i want to assemble three kind of data using spades first one is Mi seq data where length of reads is 200 b and Hi seq data where the length is 50 and the third file is contain the two data ( Hiseq and Miseq)
my question is what is the best k mers to use to asemble each one of these data and what is the character that i should analyse to determine the best assembly
Thank you very much
If that is genomic data you could use unicycler (which wraps spades) to let it determine the best k-mer value.
but i'm using another software (shovill) which wraps spades too
Doesn't do you much good to determine the k-value, though, does it? :D Could run unicycler, let it determine the k, then run shovill with that k if you must.
Ahhh , Thank you :D
and how can i determine K mer using unicycler
Please don't ask same/similar questions in new threads. You had already asked this question here: The best k mer to use for illumina data