I ran CNVkit piplene on WGS samples. I have 4 tumor/normals and pooled the normals.
Here is the command I used:
cnvkit.py batch -p $OMP_NUM_THREADS $BAMs/*_T*.bam -n $BAMs/*_B*.bam -m wgs -f $refs --annotate $refFlat --output-reference $out/project.cnn --output-dir $out
I dropped low coverage reads using the following command:
cnvkit.py segment $file -o $out/drop_low_cov/${sample}.cns
But my scatter plot looks quite weird. The y chromosome has too many deletions and in general it looks the deletions are on a much larger scale.
Is there a way to address this?
Here is the plot
Thanks for the help!
What sex is your sample?
These are female samples.
So why are you worried about the CN profile on the Y chromosome? There is no Y in your samples so everything you're seeing can be explained being one of the pseudoautosomal regions, or has homology with an autosome.
All the samples are female. I was a bit worried to see Y chromosome having so many deletions even if both normals and tumors are female samples. Other papers I have seen do not have such high deletions in the Y chromosomes as well.
Do these other papers completely ignore Y for female sample? I know many pipeline just throw out anything on Y once the sample has been determined to be female. More sophisticated pipelines have extra logic to handle less common scenarios such as Downs and Klinefelter syndromes as, if you have a large cohort, you'll almost certainly encounter it.