A volcano plot is simply the logFC on the x-axis and the -log10(p-value) (or any other significance metric) on the y-axis. It is on you if you include all genes or just the signficant ones. There is a Bioc package EnhancedVolcano from our user Kevin Blighe which wraps this into ggplot2 style and is very customizable. There you have full control over what is plotted or not. I doubt though that a top-10 plot will look pretty or be informative as the entire idea of Volcanos is to show how the significant data points separate from the non-significant cloud and if there is a trend towards up- or downregulated genes and the magnitude of the changes. I would rather plot all genes and then color maybe all significant ones in colorA and the top10 in colorB or alternatively indicate the gene name for the top genes in order to highlight them. In EnhancedVolcano I think this can be done via the selectLab option. Section 4.8 is probably what you want: https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/EnhancedVolcano/inst/doc/EnhancedVolcano.html
post the the link to tutorial and paste your code here for future reference parinv
In the mean time, please follow solution furnished in: https://support.bioconductor.org/p/113985/ by James W. MacDonald or Gordon smyth in the same post.
I am following this tutorial: