I am trying to install KentUtils on our Linux server. I tried follow this: post but ended with error. unrecognized command line option -fno-plt. I am stuck in the installation step and need to perform pairwise whole genome alignment chaining, netting and axtnet of two species.Any help in this regards will be of great help.
Thanks Devender
UCSC provides binaries and we ship likely all of kent's tools via bioconda. Have you tried either of those options?
I tried installing via bioconda but it says library not found.
Please post the entire error message.
If you are installing via
you should not need to compile anything. Provide your conda command line.Kent utils for linux are available here in compiled form, if you are an academic user. Add execute permission after download.
I tried by using
conda install -c bioconda kentUtils
I got this error:
Error:PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:
Current channels:
To search for alternate channels that may provide the conda package you're looking for, navigate to
Which exact util are you looking for? As @Devon said above these utilities are available as individual programs but not as a package.
This works. I am equally thankful to you all.