Hello everyone,
Today I spent 4 hours on a python script for executing a shell command constructed using user inputs within the script, still It was unsatisfactory to what I wanted. I achieved same thing using R < 30 mins. I am in under obsession that one of the scripting language is very important. I use R, shell and terminal utilities for most of my tasks.
So, the argument would be I haven't come across to such a task in exploratory next generation sequencing data analysis, where you specifically need a scripting language like Perl/Python or Ruby.
Thus, if one is not writing new tools from scratch, how important is to learn any of the scripting language. I used Perl in start and then got influenced by python co-workers that python is better and more extensive and now lost in both. But I am confident in R.
Could someone also elaborate, the part and parcel of work, where there is no move without any of the scripting language. One can also argue about the audience, perl user , python and R users at the consumer end, if you make software but what if the results and tasks are for oneself or its just a matter of taste.
Thanks for your input
I really like your answer. Thanks :)