Hi all, is there an easy way to reverse-complement a genbank file? I tried it with bioperl, and all the features disappeared.
I am trying to revcom certain contigs to visualize a region in a genome, across several genomes, so that I can view them all at once in MAUVE, and some contigs need to be revcom'd.
I think I basically got it right, after I thought about the math. Here is the relevant snippet of code. There are certain variables that are defined somewhere else like $start and $end (start/end of the contig), but the idea is there.
my @feat=$targetSeq->get_SeqFeatures();
my $truncSeq=$targetSeq->trunc($start,$end);
$truncSeq=$truncSeq->revcom if($revcom);
for my $feat(@feat){
my $subseqFeatStart=$feat->location->start-$start+1;
my $subseqFeatEnd=$feat->location->end-$start+1;
my $strand=$feat->strand;
next if( ($subseqFeatStart<1 && $subseqFeatEnd<1) || ($subseqFeatStart>$seqLength && $subseqFeatEnd>$seqLength) );
next if(ref($feat->location) ne "Bio::Location::Simple");
$subseqFeatStart=1 if($subseqFeatStart<1);
$subseqFeatEnd=$seqLength if($subseqFeatEnd>$seqLength);
You don't want to write a script yourself right? This pdf http://www.bsi.umn.edu/resources/perl2.pdf has a nice demo, if you are willing to script it up.
I can script it up if there's help! I'm not sure if the tutorial you attached addresses features though.
No it doesn't. Were you throwing any errors in bioperl? In my limited bioperl experience it is usually something trivial that screws up the script.
Doing a richseq->revcom removes the features. Or maybe it's the truncation step. But, I think I got the answer on my own.