I got a little confused trying to visualize my bowtie2 mapped reads. I mapped some short (synthetic) RNA reads to a self-made (short) reference sequence with bowtie2, and I have aquired the .bam file.
Now I want to visualize this .bam file. I wanted to do this with IGV, however they want me to also provide a 'genome sequence' (which I understood is the reference sequence). Isn't the reference sequence already provided in the .bam file? Why do I need to provide a reference sequence again? I just want to visualize the mapping bowtie2 did.
I'd have to read more of the manuals of IGV but I can't seem to find an answer to this question. If there is an informaive page that could help me with this specific question I'd also be very happy!
Thanks in advance!
what is the reference organism? @ christiangriffioen
Not an organism, the reads mapped are synthetic, so I used a reference genome made up of these sequences pasted after each other.
IGV has few inbuilt reference genomes and allows to load external sequences as well. In your case, you may have to follow custom genome load instructions for IGV.