Hello everyone,
Hope this message find everyone in good health.
Our lab has generated SNP array data of tumor samples using Illumina CytoSNP 850K beadchip array. Now I am trying to to set up a pipeline to analyze the data and after reading through a few papers, found PennCNV and QuantiSNP/OncoSNP to be popular tools. So I extracted the LRR values from the the data files using bedtools plugins and illumina's EGT normalization files. now the data looks like this:
SNP Name Chr Position Log R Ratio B Allele Freq
rs4477212 chr1 82154 0.314346 0.00559425
rs3131972 chr1 752721 -0.270539 0.514414
rs12562034 chr1 768448 -0.305087 0.942383
rs12124819 chr1 776546 0.925362 0.00254118
This was given as input to OncoSNP v1.4 (2014). The tool then starts running then stops mid-way giving the following error:
OncoSNP v1.4 (2014). Internal version v3.1
OncoSNP: Performing unpaired tumour sample analysis.
OncoSNP: Running in single sample analysis mode.
OncoSNP: Reading: /home/sangramjit/Desktop/SNParray_analysis/oncosnp_output/txt_4m_gtc/204240030107_R08C01.txt
OncoSNP: Doing GC content correction: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Warning: Window size must be less or equal as the number of elements.
> In nanmoving_average at 83
In initialiseModelParams at 36
In oncosnp_main at 42
In oncosnp at 506
OncoSNP: Loading system options ...
OncoSNP: EM Iteration: 1
Undefined function or variable "loglik".
Error in calcLikelihoodQuick (line 298)
Error in runEMQuick (line 23)
Error in oncosnp_main (line 59)
Error in oncosnp (line 506)
I have installed OncoSNP from this site and corresponding MCR library(R2013b) installer too.
Please help.
Thanks in advance