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4.8 years ago
I am using tabix vcf(gz) and index files (gz.tbi) from cache server which assign them some casche id rather than real name.
sample.vcf.gz ----> A1B2C3D4542623WQ and
sample.vcf.gz.tci-> S2D1R3D5542353DR
but i use tabix A1B2C3D4542623WQ MN908947.3:8000-9000
i get follwoing error
Could not load .tbi/.csi index of A1B2C3D4542623WQ
as index file is renamed to S2D1R3D5542353DR.
Is there any way to pass both vcf.gz and vcf.gz.tbi file in the above command?
Usually index file is expected in same directory with .tbi extension. Is there a possibility to create a soft link A1B2C3D4542623WQ.tbi that points to S2D1R3D5542353DR ? Not sure if it works.