I am trying to run Busco V 4 with augustus 3.2.3, busco analysis fails with ERROR: Augustus did not recognize any genes matching the dataset solanales_odb10 in the input file. If this is unexpected, check your input file and your installation of Augustus. I have reinstalled augustus ,tried 3.3.1 version and tried with the busco test dataset as well but the problem persists. I have no clue how to solve this error. My commands:
$ python3 busco --config myconfig3.ini -m genome --in rascaf_scaffold.fa -o results2_output -l solanales_odb10
INFO: Start a BUSCO v4.0.6 analysis, current time: 04/19/2020 15:03:23
INFO: Configuring BUSCO with myconfig3.ini
INFO: Mode is genome
INFO: Input file is rascaf_scaffold.fa
INFO: Downloading information on latest versions of BUSCO data...
WARNING: You have selected auto-lineage but you have also provided a lineage dataset. BUSCO will proceed with the specified dataset. To run auto-lineage do not specify a dataset.
INFO: Running BUSCO using lineage dataset solanales_odb10 (eukaryota, 2019-11-20)
INFO: Creating BLAST database with input file
INFO: Running 1 job(s) on makeblastdb
INFO: [makeblastdb] 1 of 1 task(s) completed
INFO: Running a BLAST search for BUSCOs against created database
INFO: Running 1 job(s) on tblastn
INFO: [tblastn] 1 of 1 task(s) completed
INFO: Running Augustus gene predictor on BLAST search results.
INFO: Running Augustus prediction using tomato as species:
INFO: Additional parameters for Augustus are '--genemodel=intronless --singlestrand=false':
INFO: Running 12492 job(s) on augustus
INFO: [augustus] 2499 of 12492 task(s) completed
INFO: [augustus] 3748 of 12492 task(s) completed
INFO: [augustus] 8745 of 12492 task(s) completed
INFO: [augustus] 12492 of 12492 task(s) completed
INFO: Extracting predicted proteins...
ERROR: Augustus did not recognize any genes matching the dataset solanales_odb10 in the input file. If this is unexpected, check your input file and your installation of Augustus
ERROR: BUSCO analysis failed !
ERROR: Check the logs, read the user guide, and check the BUSCO issue board on https://gitlab.com/ezlab/busco/issues
Augustus error log suggests: ERROR UTR only implemented with shadow and partial or complete.
Please help me resolve this error. I am unable to find any solution t it so far.