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4.7 years ago
I can run busco directly on terminal. It gives me output.
export BUSCO_CONFIG_FILE=./config.ini
busco -m geno -i /home/Whole_genome_analysis/bacteria/FLYE/assembly.fasta -o Assembly-busco --auto-lineage-prok
But when i run in terminal.
!/bin/bash -l
SBATCH -J busco
SBATCH -o myjob.%A_%a.output
SBATCH -e myjob.%A_%a.error
SBATCH -p med
SBATCH -t 09:99:99
SBATCH -n 12
SBATCH --mem 16000
module load python3/3.7.4
export BUSCO_CONFIG_FILE=./config.ini
busco -m geno -i /home/Whole_genome_analysis/bacteria/FLYE/assembly.fasta -o Assembly-busco --auto-lineage-prok
(same with python3 busco -m geno -i /home/Whole_genome_analysis/bacteria/FLYE/assembly.fasta -o Assembly-busco --auto-lineage-prok)
I get following error.
import Bio ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Bio'
Any help would be really appreciated.
Need to install biopython.
Hi cschu181,
module load python3/3.7.4 module load biopython/1.68
I loaded the module. Now the error is: No module named 'busco' There was a problem installing BUSCO or importing one of its dependencies. See the user guide and the GitLab issue board (https://gitlab.com/ezlab/busco/issues) if you need further assistance.
However, this only happens with sbatch, if i run directly in terminal there is no error.
I think this might be an issue for your cluster admin.
An alternative would be to install busco via conda (for busco 4 you need to set the conda-forge channel, I think).
Chances are that you installed BUSCO as a
rather thanroot
, so you need to tell SLURM where that is. Most likely you need to export your $PYTHONPATH or the location of your local python programs.Generally speaking, this is a question for your administrator because we will probably keep guessing until kingdom come without knowing the configuration of your cluster.