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4.6 years ago
Hello i m using Gap Filler after scaffolding using sspace i specified Bowtie in the library but is shows erro msg :
=>Sat Apr 18 20:55:12 2020: Mapping reads to scaffolds, reading bowtie output and storing unmapped reads
Warning: Empty input file
Reference file does not seem to be a FASTA file
Command: /GapFiller_v1-10_linux-x86_64/bowtie/bowtie-build --quiet --noref GapFiller_RESULTS/alignoutput GapFiller_RESULTS.1.gapclosure.fa GapFiller_RESULTS/alignoutput/ GapFiller_RESULTS.Lib1.1.bowtieIndex
Bowtie-build error; 256 242
Here's the commands i used
GapFiller.pl -l Gap_Filler_Library -s file.fasta -m 30 -b GapFiller_RESULTS -t 4
and here's the lubrary file
Lib1 bowtie R_1_Miseq.fastq R_2_Miseq.fastq 400 0.25 FR
and here's the header of the scaffold file
and so on Please Help , Thank you
I think there's extra spaces between your directory and file names!
Does your scaffold file contain scaffolds too? Because the one you posted seems to only contain headers.
If that is the exact header then are
missing from fasta header names?Hello , thanks for reply NO there s ">" in the headers , what i didn't find is the NNNNNN maybe that why it show s this error message , when i created a new file containing the same content of thi previous one with some NNNNN... , and i run gapfiller, it didn't show the error message. still i don't know why sspace output doesn't have NNNN in the sequence